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Workshops that we have in place are the following-


Innovation - Leadership Development Workshop 


Session Title – Global Mindset – Operationalize Diversity and Inclusion as a Business Strategy to give your company the EDGE

Overview of Session -  In business, it is important to stay focused.  It is also equally important to ensure that you are not thinking too narrowly about your customer and business partners. In this workshop we will help you to think out of the box and incorporating global mindset with a widened outlook for your business process, and your target market.   Some background and case studies, with trends data, as well as tools that you could use through your strategic planning. 


Collaboration and Global Mindset workshop


Session Title: Leadership Development – Sowing the Seeds of Innovation

Overview of Session:   Create foundation for good leadership practice at your company:  Key steps to sustain a culture of innovation and collaboration is to define early on the framework you have and what you expect as your company grows.

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